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What's the Difference Between WebOps & MOps?

WebOps and MOPs (MarketingOps) work together, but they are different roles that focus on different areas of the business.

Emily Wingrove
Emily Wingrove

Jul 28, 2022

WebOps and MOPs (MarketingOps) are similar. Both departments are integral to a company's online success, but they have different focuses and responsibilities.

WebOps is responsible for the website's technical operation—making sure it's up and running properly and optimized for users. MarketingOps is responsible for creating and executing campaigns, integrating marketing resources, analyzing data, and constantly testing and improving the effectiveness of marketing processes.

Both roles require technical and data expertise.

Here's everything you need to know about the differences between the two, and how they work together.

What is WebOps?

WebOps is the process of managing and operating a website and other digital properties so they deliver value to your business. This includes tasks such as designing and coding websites and managing content management systems, but it also includes tasks like optimizing the website for lead gen and a strong user experience.

WebOps specialists need to have a strong grasp of technology and data analysis, and they need to understand how different solutions work together.

Aptitude 8 usually defines WebOps this way:

“WebOps is about extending your website beyond just being a static billboard. Your website is a product, and it can be personalized and extended with interactive elements for your customers and partners. Our WebOps team brings together UX and UI designers, brand strategists, developers, and marketing consultants to help our customers build incredible experiences for the people they communicate with.”

WebOps can also refer to the deployment, management, and optimization of web-based applications. This could include cloud-based software or almost any other proprietary app you create or use as part of your business operations.

What is MOPs?

Generally, Marketing Operations (MOPs) is the process of leveraging data for marketing value. Most Marketing Ops teams are tasked with transforming data collected by the company into actionable, revenue-generating strategies that marketers can execute. They are also responsible for implementing marketing automation.

Marketing Ops can also include general marketing tasks such as creating and executing marketing campaigns, tracking website traffic, and measuring conversions. However, it also requires technical skills. Marketing Ops specialists must be able to integrate marketing technologies with other solutions within the business, such as CRMs, sales tools, and customer services tools.

They are also responsible for measuring the results of marketing campaigns and, in particular, for attribution.

How Do WebOps and MOps Work Together?

As you can imagine, there is some overlap between the two disciplines, and many companies use a team of both WebOps and MarketingOps professionals to reach their goals.

WebOps is responsible for ensuring that the website and other digital properties are running smoothly and delivering data. They must integrate the company's web properties with its analytics tools, so other departments can access clean and usable data that is contextualized for their various roles.

This is where Marketing Ops comes in. Since Marketing Ops is responsible for developing data-based marketing strategies, MOPs teams rely on WebOps to deliver the data they need. They'll use that data for developing marketing plans, creating marketing materials (such as emails, ads, and landing pages), tracking conversions, and measuring the success of campaigns.

Both departments depend on each other to do their jobs. Marketing Ops can't generate value if the company's web properties aren't generating data and leads. For example, if there is a UI or UX issue with the website, or if visitor submissions aren't delivering data to the company's marketing tools, WebOps needs to step in to troubleshoot and optimize.

Likewise, WebOps depends on Marketing Ops for the overall strategic direction of the company's web properties. They may also lean on the marketing department to produce creative and other assets.

WebOps and MOPs Expertise from Aptitude 8

If you're struggling to make use of your data, build a reliable marketing funnel, or draw value from your website, WebOps and MOPs can help. Aptitude 8's operations specialties include Marketing Ops, WebOps, as well as RevOps (Revenue Operations). We can do a full analysis of your technologies and strategies, then help you optimize them.

Contact Aptitude 8 today for more information.

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