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March 2025

Season 1, Episode 1: Credit Unions with Lucas Sanchez


On the domin8 podcast, Stephen Saberin, Senior Partnerships Manager at Aptitude 8, talks with HubSpotters about the unique challenges they faced, how they tackled them, and what made the winning difference. 


In this premiere episode, Stephen Saberin sits down with Lucas Sanchez, a Senior Account Executive at HubSpot, to discuss how he closed a major credit union account. Lucas shares his approach to high-value sales, navigating complex stakeholder landscapes, and leveraging partnerships for success.


Tune in to hear how he tackled segmentation challenges, overcame last-minute executive roadblocks, and positioned HubSpot as the ultimate solution. Plus, get insights on the future of selling, the power of AI, and why improv skills might just make you a better salesperson.


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Stephen Saberin, A8:  I know it seems like the CEO was the challenge that came in at the last moment here, with that, did you have to make any major pivots in the approach?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: That to me had all red flags going off. That's not something I would ever recommend or even want to do. But it was essentially the last step that the CEO requested and asked for. If you do ever come up against that, make sure you 


Stephen Saberin, A8: Welcome to the domin8 Podcast. On this show, we talk with HubSpot's top sellers about their latest wins. Pulling back the curtain to explore the challenges they ran into and the sales strategies they use to win the deal.


I'm Stephen Saberin, Senior Partnership Manager for Aptitude8, the world's largest technical HubSpot consulting firm. I'm speaking with Lucas Sanchez, Senior Account Executive in the mid market space with HubSpot. And Lucas, it's great to have you on the show and look forward to hearing more details, how you were able to successfully close this deal.


But before we dive in, tell me a little bit about yourself. Give me an introduction, how you got started in sales and how'd you make your way into the HubSpot ecosystem?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Yeah, thanks so much for having me, Steve. I'm really pumped to be able to work with you. I know we've had a good relationship going so far and look forward to keeping this going. I feel like I have a little bit of a similar story to probably most salespeople, but I kind of fell into sales. I didn't grow up one day being like, that's my goal.


I want to be a salesman when I grow up. I never knew that didn't even know that it existed. I actually came from the hospitality world. I did everything from bartending, working at the front desk of a hotel, front desk management. I did pretty much that whole world and then learned about sales from actually a friend that graduated ahead of me. He told me a little bit about the tech world.

Told me about a company called Gartner, and that really introduced me to, one, what could be possible with sales, but two, what's possible with the tech world out there. Because of that, I was able to secure an internship. That was my first step into the world of sales and specifically technology.

And then from there I just kept going and going from there. I feel like I dabbled off a little bit here and there from the tech world, but I always found myself coming right on back because of the conversations we have, the opportunities we have, and really how far and wide we can go to support everyone.
Love being able to work and talk with good people.


Stephen Saberin, A8: Yeah, that's super interesting. I didn't know that you were at Gartner. That's pretty cool. That's pretty cool. And so it sounds like you've been in the sales space for quite some time. And I guess through that experience across the different like companies through Gartner and HubSpot, like how has that developed your sales kind of philosophy or the way you approach sales and what does that look like for you?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: This one was definitely a fun one to think on because I have my philosophies for life. I have my philosophies for sales. I have my philosophy for all these different things that I do in my life there. But I feel like the one thing that always stays consistent is I like to work with people. I like to work with good people.

I like to do those things pretty consecutively. And so when I think about what's my philosophy for sales, I always try to think back to it and I put myself in that person's shoes and remember that whoever is sitting on the other side of the table, the other side of the zoom, the other side of the line.

They have something they want to. And so I feel like our job in sales is to help understand what it is that they want and help them achieve that, overcome that, or reach that desired result there. So I love doing that a day in, day out and it keeps life fun.


Stephen Saberin, A8: Interesting. I think our CRO recently had a LinkedIn post about that. And everybody over here, very in tune with solving for the customer is a big thing. And I know that's across HubSpot, what you just said and how we approach it too. So that totally hits like our perspective as well.

So that's pretty amazing. Interesting question outside of that, what's something interesting about you as a person, like professionally personal, they're like, most people don't know about Lucas.


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Yeah. I love the beach. I think it's a [00:04:00] pretty casual thing for most people that live in Florida.

But I also love the mountains as well. And so I've lived in Colorado for a little while. I was scaling, doing 14ers. I did a few up there. And that was always so fun to be sitting at the top of the world, but also know that you can sit right there at the sea level and go back and forth.

Day to day I'm working in technology and I'm doing all of that stuff. Pretty much all day long. And then on the weekends, I like to go and completely remove myself from all the technology and just be completely on do not disturb status. I feel like I walk the line between both sides of what we can do in that world,


Stephen Saberin, A8: In one of our calls recently, I think it was this week, you mentioned that you were doing some standup. Do I get to call that out or do we get a taste of that at the end of the show or something?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Not stand up. I started to do some improv. One of my challenges to myself this year was to start doing some new things outside of work. I feel like it's so easy in the work from home and just that whole tech space. It's like, you can get so caught up and just day in day out working, eating, walk the dog, all those things and I really want to do stuff differently this year. I wanted to start doing more things outside of work, maybe pick up and try some new hobbies and I felt like a really fun and interesting one that is a little bit similar to sales was improv. I'm still doing it. Practicing.

I had practice last night and I have a performance coming up here at the end of the month. So I'm dipping my toes in and running right on into it,


Stephen Saberin, A8: That's awesome. That sounds like a lot of fun. I've heard that improv has, You got to segue. You got that's, you can do that later. I've heard improv has a lot of correlation to sales. I'm sure there's probably a lot of learning there too. Okay, cool. So switching gears here a little bit.

Um, So kind of diving into like the deal, like give me a little background on the client that we're talking about. What's the industry here? How'd they first come to you? What was the state? Like just how did this all come to be and like set the stage for us before we dive into the details.


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Yeah. So I think to kind of preface this, I think almost every sales rep, we want to win big deals and it's easy to just go out there and say, yep, I want a lot of money. I want to win big deals. I want to make that happen. I don't think anybody would get into sales. without that. So I knew that in order to make a lot of money, I know that in order to win bigger deals, you have to solve bigger problems or you have to reach more of an audience or you have to do something that you're expanding that there. This company that we're going to talk about, they're a credit union and they're in that financial services space where there's a lot of opportunity to do things that maybe they haven't traditionally done. Either they have outdated systems or their technology is a little bit more limited. And so it's really a sweet spot for us to be able to work, to help support them and ultimately make an impact with them.

And so this organization I believe I found them just through prospecting through my capacity and instead of just going out there, sending out some blanket emails, hoping for the best, spray and pray. Like, Some people would say, I worked with my BDR. We put together a little bit of an outreach plan.

And with that, we targeted the right people with the right messaging. We knew that during that whole process, we probably were going to need some partner involvement, and it was funny because on that same call, they actually said, Oh, we're ready, scoping out a few different partners to go ahead and work with you guys.
So it was already a match made there where they knew what they wanted to do.

We were presenting different options and ways that they could reach that goal, that promised land there. And then from there, it was just a matter of building out the game plan together with them. To make sure that happened. They knew they needed to reach their audience, their constituents, their customers. They knew they needed to reach them in a better way.

They knew they needed to support their team with a little bit more of an efficient way to be able to manage their whole book of business and their customers there. But the current tools they were using just wasn't delivering on that. And so [00:08:00] a lot of that initial outreach, a lot of that initial lift was getting them to see how HubSpot can not only support them with those areas.

But that it's going to be able to help them right from the gate there with the beginning process of it all.

Stephen Saberin, A8: Interesting. Was there any one particular challenge that you honed in on or that you found, with the space that you were able to, solve for, or, solve for with them?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Yeah, I think a really big one specifically with this credit union, but even with a lot of credit unions out there, is around the segmentation. For a lot of folks that don't know about credit unions, they're a lot of the times based in the local community. They have different products that they might sell, and a lot of times they'll have separate contacts for each product that they go ahead and sell.
So it might be like Steve, you purchase a credit card. Maybe you also have a home loan. Maybe you also have a car loan.

Those are all three essentially different products, but they might represent three contacts within their system. By looking at that from a HubSpot approach. We can essentially have that one contact there.

And we have each product listed under there to show, oh, okay, Steve, you have X, Y, Z products. And so that pivot right there allowed them to go from sending out three separate emails to the same person. It allowed their team to start segmenting out their messaging based on the products they already have.

To maybe even potentially cross sell into other areas. And so it was really about having control of their database to use it in a more efficient way.


Stephen Saberin, A8: That's awesome. So for the credit unions that you were targeting, did this happen before or after HubSpot rolled out the HIPAA compliance features?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: So it was actually before. I knew that was going to be a challenge that we were going to come up against. Historically, the way I've always managed that is you're most likely not going to be sending out marketing emails using their credit card numbers. You're most likely not going to be sending out marketing emails that are using their social security numbers.

And so all of those pieces of sensitive data, they don't need to sit within HubSpot, they sit in your core system. And so that's going to be a big piece of a lot of conversations with these types of financial services companies are, what is your core system that you're using to be like your source of truth?

And then how do we use HubSpot to go ahead and support that? Be a little bit more efficient there with reaching those folks and individuals, but also helping your own internal team. So like, different loan officers, different agents that might sell and cross sell. Helping them to have access to understand who those people are without having sensitive data out there.


Stephen Saberin, A8: Yeah. When you were working with the credit unions, tell me a little bit about the stakeholder landscape, because I know that we've worked also in the credit union space and the banking specifically, and I'd be curious, like what you ran into from that side was there any like detractors or who's the, who is the biggest roadblock?
And how'd you manage and handle that?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Yeah, really good question. With a lot of those types of companies and specifically thinking of this credit union, they had some younger folks that were in the marketing and the sales teams. So they're familiar with HubSpot. They are familiar with the different technology that are out there. Where their leadership teams, they're a little bit more old school.

So that was really the biggest challenge of getting their more tenured teams, their tenured folks to get to see, okay, we don't have to only operate this way. There are more, there are easier ways now to go ahead and operate. And so when we started to build out that team, we had champions in both the marketing and their sales world there.

And then we also had to start working within their compliance and their technology team. And then ultimately we did have to bring in the CEO for the final approval and all he really wanted to see at the end was, are we going to have everything connecting and flowing exactly like we want and what we need?
And most importantly, will it be safe?


Stephen Saberin, A8: Yeah. So, did you get involved with IT and, how did that impact the momentum of the deal?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Yeah, [00:12:00] so IT really didn't hold too much up there for us. That was 1 thing. I really been working with my manager a lot to get ahead of a lot of things that might come up within a deal. And so I started to already assume that we were probably going to be working with some team like that. So one thing I did to get ahead on that is I started to send out over a lot of our security, IT documents and a lot of the things that we know those types of folks would care about when they're vetting out a type of tool.

And I got that over to them actually two months before we were ever having any type of closing conversations. That way, if they needed additional time, if they needed to jump in any calls with either my SE or even the partner involved, we had a lot of time to be able to work with that.

Surprisingly enough, it was actually the CEO that helped things up the most.
Once he started to learn about the integration, once he started to learn about how data would be pushing and pulling, he wanted to get involved then actually to make sure that everything was buttoned on up. To make sure that we weren't having any potential risk or anything like that happened there.[00:13:00] 


Stephen Saberin, A8: Interesting. Interesting. So what did you guys have to do or what did you guys end up doing to give him the confidence that the integration would be fine, that secure data would be okay. What did that look like?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: So that was actually the most nerve wracking part of the whole deal. I think every salesperson, we always want to be in control of our deals. We always want to be in the room or if we're not in the room, we want to have a little birdie in the room sitting there waiting and giving us that insight. For this one, both myself and the member of the partner sales team, we both sat it out.

We introduced the more technical folks. From both the partner side and the HubSpot side, we had them join the call with the CEO along with his own, I guess you'd call like his personal consultant that had consulted in the past for them. And we had essentially that 3rd party validation come on in to say, okay, this is the process we're taking.

These are how things are going to be going. What are your thoughts on it? What holes do you potentially see? What gaps? And they really poked around. That way I think it helps show them that they're not just, those [00:14:00] people, they're not trying to sell anything. Those people are actually trying to help them solve.

Whereas salespeople, we sometimes get a little bit of a bad rep for it. So that was what ultimately won the CEO's trust was pushing all the sales people out of the room, bringing in the more technical folks so that they could get down to the brass tacks of things and make sure it's going to do what we said it was going to do.

Stephen Saberin, A8: Yeah that's always an interesting challenge. I'd be curious, when you think about the entirety of the sales process, right? Like you think of the various challenges that came up during that process, were you aware of like most of what you run into kind of, before they all came and then were you able to preemptively, I love the fact that you were able to send over security docs and all of that in advance, which is actually one of our practices over here as well when you try to get ahead of. Were you able to do that with more challenges or was there anything that kind of hit you at the very end? Cause I think that's happened to all of us, right? Where it's you get to the finish line and they're like, Oh, we need to do this and Oh, by the way, it's going to take another month to get this thing across the line and you're just sitting here, Oh, what in the world.

How did you deal with that in this particular or in these scenarios?
Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: So one thing that I know we're talking a lot about here at HubSpot. It's talked a lot about in the sales world, of building that evaluation plan with your customer, whether you call it a business case, whether you call it a joint evaluation plan, having that in place and using your champions to help you build that out.

So that's ultimately what helped us to get ahead of a lot of the challenges that we knew were going to be coming on up. The biggest challenge that really came on in was that one I mentioned to the CEO. That wasn't something we expected. We were under the assumption because their IT team and because some of those more technical folks involved had already vetted things. We assumed that was going to be the final piece they needed. But sometimes business leaders, they want to make sure their baby's taken care of. And in that sense, he wanted to make sure that his baby was in good hands there.


Stephen Saberin, A8: Was there any particular way that you stayed coordinated, among [00:16:00] like the deal team and that like folks involved in the sale, both from the partner side, from the HubSpot side, how'd you guys do that in order to like to make this streamlined and make sure that this kept progressing


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Yeah, so that's a really good question because if you don't have a little bit of a joint plan there with not only the customer, but also your own deal team, that's when things either get missed. That's when maybe calls don't go as efficiently as you might want them to. So we were constantly working within our shared deal record.

We were constantly slacking back and forth between each other. I think at one point, we even had an email thread going with the customer and just us, HubSpot and the partner there involved. So we were constantly making sure that we were having all of these steps tracked and then making sure that once they were completed that we communicated that feedback or anything with the team.
That's just from the HubSpot side. And then from there, it obviously helps to have your champions built in with that organization. So you can start to poke a little bit and ask, Hey, what's the feedback on that call? Did things go as smooth as we thought?

Is there anything else that maybe we should be considering here?
But that was a really crucial part of it, all is staying in communication with everybody involved within the deal there.


Stephen Saberin, A8: I know it seems like the CEO was the, the challenge that came in at the last moment here, with that, did you have to make any major pivots in the approach and like how did you make those. What did that look like?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Yeah. So I think the biggest pivot or challenge that I had to make and I alluded to it a little bit earlier with essentially having to set up and coordinate a meeting that I couldn't be a part of. That to me had all red flags going off. That's not something I would ever recommend or even want to do. But it was essentially the last step that the CEO requested and asked for to be able to give his final signature there. The big thing I would say about that is it's not something I would ever recommend. It's not something that I would ever say is probably best practice. But if you do ever come up against that, make sure you do all of your due diligence ahead of time to make sure that all of your I's are dotted, your T's are crossed and that you have everything in line so that when that call happens, it goes exactly how you planned and you show the things that you want to make sure they're showing there.


Stephen Saberin, A8: How did you demonstrate, ultimately demonstrate the value of HubSpot in a way that resonated with the client where they were, where the CEO and the other stakeholders involved were comfortable enough to put ink on the page essentially.


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Yeah. So it doesn't matter what business you're talking with. Everybody has a customer or somebody that they're selling to supporting or working with there. And so the biggest thing that we did within this deal is we constantly laid back on what was their customer's journey when they work with that credit union.

We knew that they have sometimes different steps. We knew that there's sometimes different things they might do, but each and every time that we discussed HubSpot, we talked about it from a standpoint of this is how it's going to support your customers. And this is where it's going to support them at in their journey with you all.

That really helped to paint the picture for them of, where HubSpot is going to come on in, but [00:19:00] also where are we going to improve on? And how is this going to demonstrate an ROI to the rest of the team? Because it's easy to say, we're just going to put technology in place and it's going to improve things.

I think it makes a lot more of an impact when you can show exactly the steps that your customers take and where HubSpot will fit in to support that journey for them.
Stephen Saberin, A8: Yeah, that's awesome. To summarize some of this, one of the biggest obstacles or challenges that you had in general in the space was really around their challenge around segmenting clients and, right communication, right time to their, customers for whether or not, upselling or, just standard communications.

And then the kind of you know, surprise at the end was the CEO and like the extra due diligence that was required there. And it sounds like you did a great job navigating that. Shifting focus a little bit, as far as, I know you work really with a lot with partners, and I'd love to hear, what you think makes a really good partner in the HubSpot ecosystem and how partners can support HubSpot sales in a way that's really collaborative and helps keep things moving forward, and really offers the most support.


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Yeah, I think there's a lot that can go into that, but I always think about the relationship with partners is one big thing. We're the HubSpot experts. We know day in, day out, all the different levers, things, different movements. We know everything that's happening within HubSpot, but the partners are the ones that are actually rolling out the tools.

The partners are the ones that are actually working hand in hand with the customers to make sure that everything is going well. And then most importantly, the partners are the ones that are the industry experts. And so the way I always try to think about myself is, we're working with the partners to help deliver the full picture.

Of whatever that is, that promise land is. If the customer wants to achieve something, we're working together with the partner to make sure that we can deliver on that and that we have the technology in place, which would be HubSpot, but also the [00:21:00] people and the support in place to achieve that. And that's where I think a lot of the partners come on in is to help paint that back end picture of, yes, HubSpot is going to be the tool you use, but we're going to be the team to help make sure that comes out and shows exactly like what you're asking for or what we've talked about so far.


Stephen Saberin, A8: Interesting. Essentially it's the confirmation or giving the customer the confidence that yes, we've seen this before. Yes, this can happen. That you're not just getting served. Not just getting served something and just like lip service and then coming from that industry expert standpoint, knowing the ins and outs of the industry that the client may be in.


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Exactly. I think that's the invaluable piece because I hate to say it, some salespeople, they've painted the whole industry as a bad look. And so I think that's another unseen, unheard thing that we have to come up against when we first talk with somebody. And so I think once we can work past that and we start to show them what can happen with HubSpot,
the partners really help carry it away and show them this is a part of the team you're going to have, and this is how we're gonna be able to achieve just that.


Stephen Saberin, A8: Yeah, that's awesome. Cool. Listen Lucas, is there any advice that you'd give to partners? It sounds like we've wrapped and summarized, like what a partner's value is as far as adding the validation, as far as like the solution for a particular customer, like the industry insights that they can offer.

But is there any additional like advice or, what would you pass along to partners? And I guess to, other, sellers that are working alongside partners?

Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: For the partner side, I think one thing that could be really helpful is to know your stories. Know the stories of your customers. Know the stories of your wins. Know the stories of even the losses. When you know those stories, that helps to make our technology a little bit more personal to the person on the other end.

And so I feel like when partners come in with the stories of how they helped the customer go from implementing X, Y, Z tool to achieving X, Y, Z. R. [00:23:00] O. I. That's a lot more impactful than just saying, yeah, we can make that happen. And so I feel like when customers come on in with those viewpoints, it makes a world of difference.

And then from there, whether you remix that, content, remix it, whether you content remix that into some new content, maybe a blog, maybe a one pager. I think it just helps on out the overall approach of getting in front of the right people at the right time there.


Stephen Saberin, A8: Awesome. I appreciate that. So I have three final questions. Is there anything in hindsight that you would have done differently?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: That's a really good question because I've been thinking about that all of January. I think one of the things that I would have done maybe earlier on is the moment that they start talking, we start talking about timelines, and the moment that I hear of anything about, this is gonna be probably an X, Y, Z timeline, or this might close in December, I'm gonna assume that it's probably gonna close a little bit later than [00:24:00] what they've said. And so that way if we start to put that date there, obviously it gives us some time to work back, but we can also give us some room to be able to overcome any challenges. It gives us time to be able to work through any other internal buying teams.

But I felt like that was something that I would probably go back at and just say, okay, if this is the timeline, what needs to happen then and what do we. expect might stop us. Because maybe the CEO conversation could have happened a little bit earlier. Maybe it might not have. But that's one way that I might have been able to get this in a little bit earlier.
At least make it go a little bit smoother at the end there.


Stephen Saberin, A8: Yeah that's interesting. I think building a timeline in the sales process for the sales process, right. If you're familiar with medic is, you know, can be part of the entire process and just keeping it in front of the customer saying here are the deadlines, here's what the timeline needs to look like in order for us to make this successful and hit any proposed timelines they may have for the [00:25:00] project itself.

So I think that's a really good point, but, there's always some sort of fork in the road or something that comes up that's unexpected. But it can really help because then you bring it up to the, to the client say, Hey, Mr, Mrs client, or prospect, this we're behind schedule here.
So this is how it might impact the project.

And I think that'll segue all the way into, from the HubSpot side to the partner side. Really go into the project because the transparency that you have, they start to experience that in the sales process and I know myself, I've had that being a contributing factor to sales.

Where they're like, if this is what you do in the sales process, like working with your team must be amazing. And usually it is. 


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: I love that. Sounds funny, but a lot of times I feel like a sales process is similar to dating. If you go in there, super aggressive, you might not get the second date. But if you go in there working with that individual, trying to understand what they want to achieve, trying to understand what steps might happen, that makes it go a little bit smoother and it earns the right to get to that second date, third date, fourth date. And then at that point, like you said, they start to see, Oh, okay, this is how it's been working with you guys. I'm feeling a little bit more comfortable. I've earned a little bit more trust with you guys. And I think that's what we're trying to do at the end of the day is, like I said in the beginning, how do I understand what that person wants to achieve, what they want to do?

And how do I help paint that picture with them, but ultimately end up sitting next to them at that side of the table so we can make this happen together?


Stephen Saberin, A8: 100%. Good point. Okay. So second question and one more after this, what trends do you see that are shaping the future of selling HubSpot and in the HubSpot ecosystem?


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Ooh, that is a very good question. I see two big things happening. One, I think we all hear about AI. I think we all see AI agents. I think we've seen that being a big topic coming up. I think what is going to change the future is how are you using AI to get rid of a lot of the manual task. And so if it is summarizing up an account really quickly. If it's helping you to understand what happened on a past call, so you can sum up some notes or share that with somebody.

I think even when we're working with partners, that's a really easy way to go ahead and get them up to speed is just by leveraging the notes that are different AI systems we have in place already are starting to put on into HubSpot. I feel like that's going to be a big piece and a big trend moving forward is how do we use AI to help make little things within our job go just that much smoother and make it that much easier.

And then I think another big thing is, technical selling. And I say that as somebody who always jokes around that I don't think I'm ever the smartest guy in the room. I would love to be, but I don't know if I ever will be. But I think a big thing about the future is knowing what the tools can do.
How they can be used and how the person on the other side can ultimately use them. And so anything that we can do as sellers to become more technically involved, more aware of what our products can do, the ins and outs, I think that's only going to help further us [00:28:00] in this sales world and sales journey here.


Stephen Saberin, A8: Very insightful. Love it. Lastly, last question here. If you could give one piece of advice to somebody starting out selling in the ecosystem, what would that be? 

Stephen Saberin, A8: Appreciate Don't recreate the wheel. Follow what the best are doing and look more into that. For HubSpot reps, watch Gong. Go on there religiously. I say that to almost everyone. Check out when you see a big deal won. Go try to watch some clips from that. And then from the partner side, there's some really strong partners out there.


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Some domin8 the space and some some are just now getting into it. But I think that's a really easy way is to learn what are the best doing and how can I recreate that with my own little niche in the world or my own little approach that I'm taking there. Yeah.


Stephen Saberin, A8: I really appreciate the take. And especially folks that are dominating the space. 

Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: There we go.
Stephen Saberin, A8: That is awesome. That's awesome. Is there anything else that I'm missing here that you wanted to give input on? 


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: [00:29:00] So funny enough, the VP of marketing was coming down to Florida and she knew that her daughter was like, big old fan of sea life and sharks and different sea creatures. And so I actually put together a list of different places that I was familiar with from Florida that had different wildlife exhibits.

And one of those things that she did, she was actually able to go swim with some sharks. And go see all of that. And so that was pretty cool to be able to make that recommendation bring it out of the whole business world and just be like, hey, go enjoy your vacation. And while you're here, check out some of these places.

I think your daughter will love it. And now we have an ongoing little joke and conversation about, just different vacations, different cruises and just different things that we're, we have coming up in our lives here.


Stephen Saberin, A8: That's pretty cool. I think I would love the idea of swimming with sharks. And I think the idea of like you offering that level of personalization is fine. Some people might look at that as trying to eliminate competition at some point, sending them in with the sharks.


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: I guess I should have gotten the signature first before I ever recommended that. But,


Stephen Saberin, A8: Lucas, I appreciate you jumping on. I appreciate the time here. And this is gonna be super valuable for folks selling to banking or the credit union space. So excited to for those folks to, to listen and jump on here and look forward to having you back sometime in the future.


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: There we go. Steve, thanks for having me. For anybody listening, feel free to shoot me a Slack. If you ever have any questions, hit me up on LinkedIn. I'm an open book. I'm happy to be a resource and best of luck selling. Go domin8.


Stephen Saberin, A8: Let's do it.


Lucas Sanchez, HubSpot: Love it.


Stephen Saberin, A8: Hey, thanks for tuning in. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe to the domin8 podcast. You can connect with me, Stephen Saberin on LinkedIn to keep the conversation going and check out Aptitude8 at to learn how we're partnering with sellers and solution teams to drive success.
Until next time, keep selling, keep learning and keep dominating. Thanks for [00:31:00] tuning in. 