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Prospecting Tools Comparison Guide

Can HubSpot prospecting live up to Outreach and Salesloft?

Finding the perfect prospecting tool can make all the difference. So we're here to provide you with an in-depth analysis of HubSpot's new Leads feature and how it measures up against its formidable counterparts.

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Table of Contents


What is HubSpot Prospecting?

HubSpot’s prospecting workspace is a dashboard where Sales Development Representatives and Account Executives can manage their workload all in one place. It allows reps to quickly execute tasks, review their schedule, and see progress toward goals.

These prospecting tools combine with HubSpot’s other sales tools, like sequences, playbooks, deal pipelines, and reporting to form a robust sales management platform.

Prospecting Image



How does it compare to other major tools? 

HubSpot’s prospecting dashboard is designed to replace point solutions like Outreach and Salesloft. Without even getting into the functionality, there are a couple of key benefits that HubSpot prospecting has over these solutions:

Ease of use

HubSpot’s industry-leading user experience carries over to the prospecting tools, resulting in faster onboarding, better adoption, and fewer resources required to maintain. 

Seamless integration

Because prospecting is built into the CRM platform, there is no need to connect the platforms and no loss of data between them. This is especially attractive to companies that are keen on consolidating their tech stack for cost reasons or to remove complexity.

It also means your team doesn’t have to switch between different tools to complete simple tasks, saving them time and preventing manual errors. 

HubSpot acquiring Clearbit gives it an edge on other prospecting tools.

HubSpot recently announced its acquisition of B2B intelligence leader, Clearbit. While HubSpot did not reveal details of how Clearbit functionality will be incorporated into HubSpot, here are some things that a seamless combination of rich customer data and prospecting tools could do:

  • Determine buying roles automatically
  • Monitor leads for buying intent beyond your website
  • Update email addresses when contacts change jobs
  • Proactively suggest personalized messaging by combining AI with rich customer data


Does HubSpot Prospecting have the same functionality as other tools?

While having an easy-to-use and well-integrated set of prospecting tools is nice, it doesn’t mean anything if your team can’t complete the tasks they need to.

In this section, we’ll compare 9 common SDR tasks across HubSpot, Outreach, and SalesLoft (both integrated with Salesforce) to ensure HubSpot’s functionality is on par with other solutions. 

Before we start, it’s important to note the differences in terminology between the platforms. We will be using HubSpot terminology for simplicity’s sake, but here is a table showing HubSpot terms’ equivalents on other platforms:

HubSpot Outreach SalesLoft Salesforce
Lead Prospect Person Lead
Company Account Account Account
Deal Opportunity Opportunity Opportunity
Sequence Sequence Cadence Engagement

HubSpot didn’t repeat Salesforce’s mistakes with Leads.

When Salesforce created its Leads object, the idea was that a lead was a person record that didn’t have enough information to be considered a contact. SDRs would work leads and eventually convert them into full contacts. In practice, however, the Leads object is a dumping ground for bad data that companies don’t want to delete, but don’t know what to do with. 

HubSpot’s Leads object works differently. It’s a subset of a contact that operates similarly to a deal. It shows a single journey through the SDR funnel from lead to opportunity. A contact can have multiple lead records associated with it as they reconvert and enter the funnel again. This allows you to track reconversions more accurately than using lifecycle stage or lead status alone.


Create a Single Lead Manually






The Lowdown:

HubSpot and Outreach provide an advantage because these tools don’t require your sales reps to click between multiple different tabs to create a single lead manually. 

Create Multiple Leads Manually






The Lowdown:

HubSpot allows you stay in HubSpot's UI to manage this action while with Outreach and Salesloft, you have to toggle between the tool and Salesforce.

Create Leads Using Automation Rules




Outreach - create leads using automation rules
Outreach - create leads using automation rules 2

Click to enlarge images.


Salesloft - create leads using automation

Click to enlarge image.


The Lowdown:

HubSpot has two options for creating leads using automation - one in the settings and the other in Workflows. The ability to utilize workflows for lead creation is huge when it comes to comparing HubSpot to Outreach and Salesloft because HubSpot Workflows are incredibly robust. 

Open a Contact Record from a Lead






The Lowdown:

All three allow you to open in minimal clicks with HubSpot having the advantage that you can stay in the same UI to accomplish this. 

Add Leads to a Sequence Manually






The Lowdown:

HubSpot has the advantage because you can view and edit the sequence details (ex: email copy) quickly without additional clicks to open up those details. 




Add a Lead to a Sequence Using Automation Rules






The Lowdown:

Outreach and Salesloft have the advantage because they have more trigger criteria available for reps for adding leads to sequences using automation.

View All Leads Associated with a Company






The Lowdown:

HubSpot and Outreach provide an advantage because these tools allow you to view leads associated to a company with less clicks than Salesloft. Additionally, HubSpot features two quick and easy ways for viewing this information. 

Create a Task for a Lead






The Lowdown:

All three tools provide a streamlined option for creating a task for a lead. 

View All Lead Records Associated with a Contact






The Lowdown:

HubSpot has the advantage because reps can view lead records without ever having to leave the Prospecting Workspace. All three tools allow you to view detailed information on the contact record.




The Verdict: HubSpot Prospecting is a Formidable Competitor to Outreach & Salesloft

While Outreach and Salesloft have some extra bells and whistles that HubSpot doesn’t, the core functionality is comparable. HubSpot’s advantages on data integration and ease of use make it a no-brainer for companies that already manage their sales activities in HubSpot’s CRM. 

Thinking about Switching to HubSpot? 

See how Marq saved $77k a year by switching from a 7-tool Salesforce stack to HubSpot

We worked with the Marq team to adjust their tech stack, implementing the full HubSpot stack to meet their needs. By switching to HubSpot, their team:

  • Reduced their technology costs by %50
  • Reduced their tech stack spending by $77,000 in just licensing fees alone 
  • Consolidated their tech stack from  7+ tools to just 1.

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